Our Heritage
For over 150 years Grace United Methodist Church has been built on the Rock, of the Rock and in the Rock. Perched on a sandstone outcrop, made of Jacobsville sandstone, and most importantly, grounded in Christ; God’s children have been nurtured here for generations.
Our Family
We are a diverse group with college students, young families, Baby Boomers, and retirees all worshiping together.
Our Mission
Houghton Grace United Methodist Church is called to invite all people to encounter and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, all for the glory of God.
Our Core Values
In short, it’s all about Christ. We seek to know Him and become more like Him.
The long version spells it out a little more specifically: Inspired by the Bible as our rule and guide for faith and practice, our commitment is to welcome all, inviting each to mutually discover, explore, study, and grow in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, and by each contributing their unique and wonderful God given gifts, to participate in united service of each other, the community and the world; that we all may be learning to progressively mature toward the mind, heart, life and love of Christ.
The long version spells it out a little more specifically: Inspired by the Bible as our rule and guide for faith and practice, our commitment is to welcome all, inviting each to mutually discover, explore, study, and grow in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, and by each contributing their unique and wonderful God given gifts, to participate in united service of each other, the community and the world; that we all may be learning to progressively mature toward the mind, heart, life and love of Christ.