New to in-person worship? Not sure what to expect? Read on!
Note: We offer a live stream on YouTube each Sunday for those who cannot attend for any reason.
Note: We offer a live stream on YouTube each Sunday for those who cannot attend for any reason.
- First of all, everyone is welcome at Grace UMC. It doesn't matter if you've never attended any church. Come and see.
- Dress comfortably! Some people like to dress up for church, others are more casual. We don't mind if you're coming in from the campground or beach, or from a wedding. God loves you the way you are, and that includes your outfit.
- Our services include band music, hymns, prayer, scripture and preaching. It's never the same twice (except maybe the Lord's Prayer.)
- If you are feeling ill, exhibiting any COVID or flu-like symptoms, (cough, runny nose, fever), please worship with us online via live stream.
- During our greeting time, we encourage everyone to leave their gifts and offerings at one of our giving stations located around the sanctuary. We also encourage online and mail-in giving.
- A Coffee Hour with light snacks is provided after each service.
- Children’s Church (through 5th grade) is normally provided during the service, except in the summer.
- A nursery for children under 5 years old, with audio from the sanctuary, is always available and staffed.
- Calling ahead for appointments with the pastor is appreciated. (906-482-2780)